Friday, November 29, 2019

Week 3 - Artefact of learning

The ukelele is my artefact representative of learning....

As it starts with the Pedagogical practices  (youtube clip on beginning learning) that lead to the Andraogical practices ( of co-constructing knowledge and then this leads to Heutagogical practices  (sheet music) of creating and becoming self directed.  It is also open to change and adaptable to all styles and cultures.

It also incorporates what we now about successful learning; that it is to be actively engaging, you want to learn the material, learning is personalised, not standardised, yet there is some structure (like learning the 3 basic chords).

It involves interaction as you need a listener or can play in a group.  Intellectual ability is not fixed, ie - you can learn one chord for or many leading to create your own music.
Ukelele and learning can  take place in a variety of settings, like in the classroom or on an island!

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