Friday, November 29, 2019

Week 3 - Artefact of learning

The ukelele is my artefact representative of learning....

As it starts with the Pedagogical practices  (youtube clip on beginning learning) that lead to the Andraogical practices ( of co-constructing knowledge and then this leads to Heutagogical practices  (sheet music) of creating and becoming self directed.  It is also open to change and adaptable to all styles and cultures.

It also incorporates what we now about successful learning; that it is to be actively engaging, you want to learn the material, learning is personalised, not standardised, yet there is some structure (like learning the 3 basic chords).

It involves interaction as you need a listener or can play in a group.  Intellectual ability is not fixed, ie - you can learn one chord for or many leading to create your own music.
Ukelele and learning can  take place in a variety of settings, like in the classroom or on an island!

Week 2- Self directed learning

A few readings this week, yet being a visual learner I enjoy the one my Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey suggesting how to self directed learning integrates a wide range of skills and attributes that link with one another.  The ten trends they say....

I used a staff meeting 5 minute meeting to integrate some of these self directed learning by adding links to other aspects that teachers could research further into themselves.  I stuck the timer on then invited each to play a ukelele so active in their learning, working to their own level.  They had dots on them for quick scaffolding to learn the chords. They also had the option of choosing other instruments to play.  They afterwards could downloaded a pdf which I emailed it to the staff for later online you tubes, tutorials and references to refer to.  This meant that not all information was summited in the moment and led to a lot of positive feedback from staff as presenting information was quick, sharp and informative.


This means even teachers appreciate personalised learning...

References :

Bolstad, R., Gilbert, J., McDowall, S., Bull, A., Boyd, S., & Hipkins, R. (2012). Supporting future-oriented learning & teaching: A New Zealand perspective. Wellington: Ministry of Education. Retrieved from:
Bevan-Brown, Jill; McGee, Alyson; Ward, Angela and MacIntyre, Lesieli. Personalising learning: A passing fad or a cornerstone of education? [online]. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 46, No. 2, 2011: [75]-88. Availability: ISSN: 0028-8276. [cited 01 Aug 18].
New Zealand Ministry of Education. (n.d.) Personalised assessment practices in a secondary context. Retrieved from:
Leadbeater, C. (2005).‘The Shape of Things to Come personalised learning through collaboration’. Retrieved from:
Strauss, V. (2013). ‘Personalization’ of learning: Genuine or slick marketing? Retrieved from:
Prince K. (2014). A vision for radically personalized learning. Retrieved from:

Week 1 - The Three Gogies

The Three Gogies

I looked to my own practice to integrate the gogies
1. Pedagogy
2. Andragogy
3. Heutagogy

This is so I could see the similarities and differences in the gogies in my everyday practice.


1. Jackie Gertein blog, see:
This blog has interesting definitions of pedagogy, andragogy and heutagogy. Can you see any differences in the ways each one is articulated and defined? For example, pedagogy seems to have a clear role of the educator and learner - is this the same for andragogy and heutagogy?
2. The ‘School in the Cloud’ - this video is an inspiring TED talk about self-organised learning environments:
3. The first two chapters of this book are useful to get into Heutagogy:
Blaschke, L., Kenyon, C. & Stewart Hase (2014) (Eds.). Experiences in Self-determined Learning.
Chapter 1 -An Introduction to Self-determined Learning (Heutagogy) Page 15
Chapter 2- Heutagogy and Systems Thinking: A Perfect Marriage for Conducting Learning Experiences. Page 314. Example of the term Pedagogy from Australia
4. Example of the term pedagogy from Child Australia is useful
5. Paper that discusses some differences between pedagogy and andragogy
6. A book that has a good first chapter on Andragogy - a quite detailed history of it.
Merriam, S. (2001). New Directions for Continuing: The new update on adult education. No. 89, Spring Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, California
Chapter 1 - Andragogy and Self-Directed Learning: Pillars of Adult Learning Theory by Sharron Merriam
Other References
Blaschke, L. M. (2012). Heutagogy and lifelong learning: A review of heutagogical practice and self-determined learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 13(1), 56-71.
Blaschke, L. & Hase, S. (2016). Heutagogy: A Holistic Framework for Creating Twenty-First-Century Self-determined Learners. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
B. Gros et al. (eds.), The Future of Ubiquitous Learning, Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-47724-3_2
Hase, S., & Kenyon, C. (Eds.). (2013). Self-determined learning : heutagogy in action. Retrieved from