Thursday, March 28, 2019

Scanning for needs

“justify how the topic addresses the needs of your community”.....
Needs in  ERO report for Maori literacy and this is also a national concern.
Boys learning vrs girls learning

eg - Digital Technologies to give students Agency in their Collaborative Reading.

I am thinking of using digital learning to raise literacy and STEM projects.  I have talked to principal about this as well as he is part of the Communities of Learning.
The aim is to raise Haoura in the North.

Asked whanau - made links with computer engineers and teachers in my parental community.

Week 17

Starting online...

 Tino Rangatiratanga - the self-determination principle and Taonga tuku iho - the cultural aspirations principle, using the following questions:
  • What relevance does the topic of interest have to your Māori students?
  • Literacy levels need to be increased at a young age to prevent the gap.  To prevent deficient thinking of blame. 

  • Have you taken into account the ways your students think, understand, interact and interpret the topic of interest? How would you know?
Yes oral and kinesthetic based activities.
Include whanau in their child's learning more in casual catch ups vrs formal.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Week 15 - Bots and Inquiry

Increase of data processing expecting them to perform has changed
If can't explain instructions how can you tell them what to do.

Backchannel chat 

Inquiry I use the spiral model in my school.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


The 3 R's Embedded.

Catholic rituls

Whanau classes leaders
Houses/Deans/Whanau leaders

Distributed Leaderships

Respect/code of conduct


Timetable length of lessons

Testing curriculum
NZCA National standards

Week 14 - Creating Agency

Agency over Education

20-25% Google concept

Encourage them to take risks
Designing rich tasks
Involve whanau - have a say


Ministry of Health 1999 Health and physical - Hauroa

Global Conscience

First understand ourselves so understand others.
Look at an iceberg.
Look at lenses

Cultural and personal lenses.

8 NZ Principles

Which 3 least
Cultural diversity
Future focus and Treaty of Waitangi least well represented.
ERO - 2012 The NZ principals.