Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Reflection on What 60 Schools Can Tell Us About Teaching 21st Century Skills

What 60 Schools Can Tell Us About Teaching 21st Century Skill

Travelled around America states. 

Noticed that each schools have problems that the other solve. 

Change from industrial model. 

Hard change changes of greif /don’t know why it shold be that hard
Berlin airlift was hard raising children in poverty as single mum is hard.

Change is comlicated and essey change is uncomfortable

Bright lights of inovation mosaic innovation

Student ownership of learning 

Blooms taxonomy - talking to us how we learn
Adaptive crossing subject boundaries

Relavant - connect the dots

Empathy - 

Innnovation vrs tradition that makes us strong

2nd grader ewe fail forward and fail 

Industrial age model not going back 

Global eco system.

4.50000 years living through explosive resoluation of 5th sphere 

Philophines ive off $2 a day are connected to the cognetisphere.... connected through a cell phone how we connect going forward.

Where do we want to be as educators what does great learning look like?

Medasorrie told us 

We as the adults have constructed in attempt to control education
My class, my subject my time

Dams we have burned

innovation is marvellous
college board shove into packets of context rather than contect

prevent us from commections silos of classroom inward focus rather than going out
break down the dams education is exploding

1 teach into the inknown don’t know what it is like.

 If world changing -timeless skills not 21st century skills teach to be self evolving learners we need to become self evlving learners.
Constant change
preparing for their future not their past. 

Challenge issue to us
Dont talk just do fan fires of innovation 
learning opportunities of learning. 

What we can do with the information that we have.

Content driven rather than context driven.

Learning organistaion and organistational learning.

I go to a place to learn = learning org
All learn together = eco system.

his guide describes 
six rubrics of 21st century 
, each of which represents an 
important skill for students for develop:
knowledge construction
world problem
solving and innovation
the use of ICT for learning
skilled communication 

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