Saturday, December 15, 2018

Tried Tinker - 3D Programming

Week 6 - 'Leadership Theories and Styles', the video 'Leadership Theories and Styles', then identify a change initiative that you have been involved with, where you contributed to leadership or followership. Create a diagram that links your experiences to one or more specific leadership theories, with some explanation of these links

Week 5 Digital reflection

 Consider how the new digital curriculum might link to your Digital 1 innovation - might this affect how you lead the implementation of your innovation?

yes - the new curriculum has stages of development that help to reach a higher level of thinking. 
Coding and coding collaboratively to solve a problem helps to raise the level rather than just coding individually. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Makey makey

Research Informed Teaching

TED Talk

LOved this Ted Talk on coding relevant to my age level.

Growth Mindset

Step by step scaffolding

over emphasis on talent
fixed mindset it is a trait just that.

not there YET

eg - the new bike - use an pattern of thinking

a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor.
knowledge doesn't always = understanding

Their belief that the next try has a chance of success is what fuels their perseverance, and over time, this results in higher achievement (Blackwell et al., 2007).

studies show that students’ motivation, perseverance and achievement can be increased by teaching a growth mindset (Aronson et al., 2001; Blackwell et al., 2007; Good et al., 2003). 

On the other hand, praising effort and hard work focuses students on learning and creates “gritty,” resilient learners. 

“error climate,” important elements of the classroom environment that can hinder or promote risk-taking and a student’s ability to sustain a sense of self-efficacy (Steuer, et al, 2013). 

Embedding growth mindset in a school or classroom culture includes embedding it into the curriculum. Instruction should reflect the language, strategies, and expectations of effortful learning, risk-taking, and productive failure. Students need to learn how to persevere in smart and strategic ways, ways that may be different from one content area to another. And teachers and peers need to commit to the culture, as well reinforce and reward resilient behavior. It’s a challenge, but those of us with a growth mindset seek them out.

The Digital Curriculum Outcomes

URL for google scholar

Week 5 using scratch

can search click on flag


Week 5 - Using the

The Mind Lab e-library

Use the search engine quite specifically
Have a goal or purpose.
Referencing can be clicked on paper clip and copy pasted into APA referencing.
I used the KC as a search can use leadership attributes as a key word as well.

Can also use google scholar - for specifically things in New Zealand.