Thursday, January 28, 2021

Literature Expertise 1st Draft - due January 31st 2021.

 Mind map Mind map

How is the mind map related to the Change project's purpose statement and goals?

Shows keywords and how they are connected to one another to create a common bond

How are the theoretical frameworks in the literature related to the project's purpose statement and goals?

Complexity framework - linked to post covid environment and the constant changes that occur in the school environment. 
Dr. Magna framework transformative Personalised Learning framework - links learning with technology and makes it about the learner and less about novilty and the shiny new thing of technology.  it gives value to the practice of the teacher to do less and let the learner learn.  to be willing to fail and fail better. 
STREAM framework - encompasses a lot of curriculum - where does it end and stop?  It is very wide there are some great links showing in Asian countries Singapore etc that show the links between coding and music. 
Cultural responsive - tuakana teina aspect link with ako - rangitiratanga 
Engagement - how to measure it? Maybe on a goldilocks scale of low, middle high. 

Is there any need to further the review?

Yes, always more to add more on catholic social justice links to the RE ( Religious Aspect) aspect of STEAM to STREAM so that can widen the concept to the schools value base. 

Philosophy for Kids

 See online professional development due to post covid lockdowns = a positive for exploring education.

Time to change?

from 3000BC - classrooms haven't changed much. 


Data collection

 The differences....

Monday, September 21, 2020

Collecting data ideas


Many different ways to collet data for research as the following found. 

Scope project --- to do


Research tips

 Reading the following book;  McNiff, Jean, and Jack Whitehead. Action Research for Teachers : A Practical Guide, David Fulton Publishers, 2005. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Many useful points on research

They also recommend a journal of learning so  am resurrecting this blog to focus on the learning process for me as I undergo the research. 

Tips on observations...

and a template on developing roles in research...

all leading to the outcome of this Whakatoki...